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देवेन्द्र सिंह जी - लेखक |
कंपनी सरकार ने नाना गोविंदराव सर
एक नई संधि करने को कहा। इस संधि में 10 धाराएं थीं। इस
संधि के अध्ययन से एक बात पता चलती है और उसको ध्यान में भी रखना पड़ेगा कि इसी तिथि
से ही जालौन के मराठा शासकों को राजा का पद प्राप्त हुआ। पहले ये पेशवा के यहाँ मुलाजिम
थे। इनका पद कमविस्दार, मामलातदार का था। पूना
में पेशवाई के कमजोर होने पर ये शक्तिशाली जरुर हो गए मगर प्रभुसत्ता हमेशा पेशवा की
ही मानी जाती रही। जब पेशवा ने अपनी प्रभुसत्ता को कंपनी के पक्ष में परित्याग किया
और कंपनी ने उनको राजा माना तभी से उनका पद राजा का हुआ। हम लोग आदर में हमेशा उनको
जालौन का राजा ही शुरू से कहते रहे। इस संधि का जालौन के इतिहास में बड़ा दूरगामी प्रभाव
पड़ा अत: इसका पूरा अध्ययन जरूरी है अत: पूरी संधि आप से साझा करता हूँ।
concluded between the British Government and Nana Govind Rao,-1817
as by a treaty concluded between the British Government and Highness the
Peishwa, under the date 13th June 1817,
corresponding with the 14th Assar 1874
Sumbut, the right of supremacy possessed by His Highness over Nana Govind Rao,
and the lands in the Nana’s immediate occupation, have been transferred
the article of engagment contracted with Nana Govind Rao by Colonel Baillie on
the part of the British Government, under date the 3rd day
of October 1806, corresponding with the 10th
of Shabun 1221 Hijree, and the 11th
of kooar Sood 1863 Sumbut, shall remain in full force,
excepting in as they are not altered by this treaty.
British Government hereby relinquishes for ever its right to tribute and
military service from Nana Govind Rao, his heirs and successors. The British
Government moreover acknowledges and hereby constitutes Nana Govind Rao, his
heirs and successors, the hereditary rulers of the territory at present in the
Nana’s actual possession.
British Government further engages to protect the aforsaid possessions of the
Nana from the aggressions of any foreign power, and it is accordingly hereby
agreed between the contracting parties that whenever the Nana shall have reason
to apprehend a design on the part of any power to invade his territories,
whether in consequence of any disputed claim or on any other ground, he shall
report the circumstances of the case to the British Government, which will
interpose its mediation for the adjustment of such disputed claim; the Nana,
relying on the justice and equity of British Government, agrees implicitly to
abide by its award. If the apprehended aggression be referable to any other
cause, the British Government will endeavour by representation and remonstrance
to avert the design, and if, notwithstanding the Nana’s acquiescence in the
award of the British Government, the other party shall persist in its hostile
designs, and the endeavours of the British Government shall fail of success,
such mesures will be adopted for the protection of the Nana’s territories as
the circumstances of the case may appear to require.
Govind Rao hereby cedes to the British Government in perpetual sovereignty the
whole of lands of ilakah of Kundah appertaining to the perganah of Mohabuh,
circumscribed by the territories of the British Government, and also certain
villages on the banks of the River Jumna appertaining to the pergunnah of
Choorke, and intermixed with the honorable Company’s land of Bhudaick and
Raypore, including mal, sayer, charity, and rent-free lands of every
description, agreeably to a Schedule subjoined to the treaty; the Nana
accordingly engages that the aforesaid lands shall be given up to the Officers
of the British Government immediately on demand. But with a view to the
satisfaction of certain claims upon the Nana, for which some of these lands are
pledged, the British Government hereby agrees to grant to the Nana the revenue
of those lands be paid in cash up to the end of Assar next, corresponding with
July 1818; the current revenue, after deducting the
expense of collection, the outstanding balances, and the advances of tuccavie
which may be justly demandable up to the end of Assar next, accordingly to the
Regulations of the British Government, shall accordingly be collected by the
British Revenue Officers and paid to the Nana monthly.
at any time the Nana have any cause of complaint against any of the Rajahs or
chiefs allied to the British Government, the Nana engages to refer the case to
the arbitration and decision of the Government, and to abide implicitly by its
award, and on no account to commit aggressions against the other party, or to
employ his own force for the satisfaction of such claim or the redress of
grievance of which he may complain.
Govind Rao hereby engages to abstatin from corresponding with foreign powers,
excepting with the privity and consent of British Government.
a view to faciliate the adjustment of boundry disputes betwn the subjects of
the Nana and that of the British Government, and to avoid the delay of a
reference to the Nana, the Nana hereby engages to may receive from the
Superintendent of Political Affairs, for causing the attendance of parties and
witnesses, or for any other purpose connected with the adjustment of boundary
disputes without waiting the result of a reference to him. The Nana further
agrees to give ready and attention to allsuggestions from the Superintendent
respecting the punishment of any of his subjects who may be convicted before
the Superintendent of violence and aggression towards the British subjects.
With a further view to avoid disputes respecting the new boundaries which will
be formed between the lands now ceded by the Nana and those to which they are
contiguous, it is hereby agreed that actual possession at the time of Treaty
shall be held to be the criterion for the settlement of all disputes which may
arise respecting the aforesaid boundary, and that no retrospective claim
founded on former possession shall be sustained on either side.
British Government hereby engages to contract no engagements with Rao Benaick
Rao, the manager of Saugor, or with the Bheik Sahiba, detrimental to the claims
and rights of the Nana in the country of Saugor. The British Government,
moreover, offers hereafter to interpose its good offices, with a view to bring
about a satisfactory adjustment of the difference between Nana Govind Rao and
manager of the country of Saugor.
the British Government may have occasion to send its troops through the
territory of Nana Govind Rao, or to station British force within his
territories, it shall be competent to the British Government so to detach or
station its troops, and the Nana shall give his consent accordingly. The
Commander of the British troops which may thus eventually pass through or
permanently occupy a position within the Nana’s territories shall not in any
manner interfere in the internal concerns of Nana;s Government; whatever
materials or supplies may be required for the use of the British troops during
their continuance in the Nana’s territories shall be paid for at the price
current of the Bazzar.
Treaty, consisting of ten Articles, having this day been concluded between the
British Government and Nana Govind Rao through the agency of John
Wauchope,Esq., in virtue of powers delegated to him by the Most Noble the
Governor-General on the one part, and Appa Bulwunt Rao, the vakeel of the said
Nana Govind Rao, on the other, Mr.Wauchope and the said vakeel signed and
sealed two copies of the treaty in English, Persian, and Hindee, one of which ,
after being ratified by the seal and signature of the Most Noble the Marquis of
Hasting, Governor General, will be returned to-morrow to the said vakeel, and
the said vakeel having obtained the ratification of the Nana to the other copy,
engages to deliver it within the same time to Mr.Wauchope.
sealed, and exchanged at Jaloun, on the First day of November 1817,
corresponding with Seventh of Kartic1814 Sumbut, and Twentieth
of Zechij 1232Hijree.
of the Nana Govind Rao
Sd. Hasting (Sd)
General’s Small Seal
by His Excellency the Govenor-General in camp near Nuddee-ka-Gong, this 3rd day of November One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen.
GEORGE SWINTON Persian Secretary to Governments
© देवेन्द्र सिंह (लेखक)
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